The Cover Reveal
Overcoming Professional Jealousy
My first marketing and publicity meeting!
When Your Book Breaks Containment
The Publishing Process~JPB~2025 debuts, new authors, del rey, penguin, the reaper, urban fantasy, fantasy, writing, lit, booktok
How NOT to use social media as a new author
"I Just Read Good Books": The white male algorithm and western publishing
rambling~JPB~bookseller, black writers, black SFF, the acoltye, lord of the rings, brandon sanderson, stormlight archive, malazan, star wars, fourth wing, booktok, blood at the root, 2020 Black Lives Matter, black authors
My Publishing Journey So Far...
My first author event: The Del Rey Summer Party!
Navigating Feelings of Inadequacy
The query letter that got me an agent
Querying Advice~JPB~querying, amwriting, amediting, amquerying, writingcommunity, litagents, united agents, black girl writers, british fantasy, rivers of london
An Editing Timeline!
Do I still have resentment?
I’ve signed a 3 book deal... (A Lot Has Happened, Pt. 3)
The Editing Trenches
About the ashes
what I didn't say at the funeral
My mum is gone
Happy New Year!
Some news. Might be good news. Too nervous to be hopeful.
Fuck it. Write what you want.